Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's A Girl!

Well, we got the big ultrasound today, and we are the proud parents of a little girl. We are SO excited! Now we can start registering and buying little things...cute little pink things! :) She is about 13 ounces, or the weight of a soda can. Once I get a scanner up and running (or use the one at work), I will post some pic's of the ultrasound. An answer to prayer was that the tech did a 4D ultrasound of her face without us even asking! It's really cool; I can't wait to share. It was amazing to see how perfectly the baby's formed in there: spine, arms,'s truly a God-thing. The tech said the baby is perfect and that I looked good, too. It was so sweet and such an amazing experience to see our little one for the first time. I think we are going to register this weekend, and I will post the info. on here for those of you who have asked. We ran to Target to get a body pillow to make sleeping more comfy for my ever-expanding belly, and I just had to stop by the baby aisle. Looking at the little pink socks and onsies, the little caps and especially those little mittens...I just had to sigh at the excitement. It will be so much fun to have a little girl! This milestone just makes it sink in even deeper in my heart that we are going to be parents. I am just so thankful for this experience and am cherishing every moment that I can!

Oh, hey! I meant to post awhile back that if you want, you can always post a comment to "write back." Feel free. :) We'd love to hear from you!

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