Thursday, August 29, 2013

37 weeks

How far along: 37 weeks - term - yay!

Size of Baby: about 7 lbs., 21"

Total weight gain: I honestly don't know. I didn't weigh myself this week, and I'm too lazy and tired to go do it right now, LOL!

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: Pretty good, a little trouble getting comfortable sometimes, but I'm so exhausted I fall asleep anyway. Pee disrupts my sleep the most. :)

Best moment this week: Reaching 37 weeks. My real countdown's beginning: 2 weeks to go! (unless he comes early)

Movement: Lots of sliding stretches, less jabs and punches.

Food cravings: I gotta say, I haven't really wanted anything in particular this week. Except Nutella, still, I love that stuff.

What I miss: Holding Zooey on my lap.

What I am looking forward to: Meeting little Tennyson!

Milestones: Tennyson is now term! He continues to shed vernix and lanugo and put on weight. His lungs continue to mature as more and more surfactant is secreted.

Labor signs: At my appointment last week I was 1cm dilated, not that that means anything - ha!

37 weeks

Thursday, August 22, 2013

36 Weeks

I am at "that point." Do you know what I mean? The point where you feel ginormous and just ready to meet your little one because you're so uncomfortable and huge that you feel like you are lugging a house along with you? That being said, I'm still trying to cherish the pregnancy and this time, especially when little Tennyson wiggles around in there. It truly is a miracle the way that God designed life to grow. As uncomfortable as pregnancy gets, I know there will come a point where I'll miss it and try to rack my heart and my brain to remember what it felt like.

How far along: 36 weeks

Size of Baby: about the size of a head of romaine lettuce (about 6.5 lbs. & 18.5")

Total weight gain: +35 lbs.

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: Still doing ok, just getting up a lot but able to fall back asleep quickly

Best moment this week: I finished a lot of the nursery, except for a couple pictures that I'd like to hang.  We also got my maternity pictures done, along with some of Zooey and some of us as a family. That was fun, and I can't wait to see them! We haven't had professional pictures taken of us for about 2.5 years.

Movement: Strong and frequent. He is on a little routine and gets especially active around 9:30 at night. It's fun to watch and feel him move around.

Food cravings: big craving for pickles today, iced tea

What I miss: Being able to bend over, running.

What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little guy!

Milestones: I think he's getting lower based on the pressure I'm feeling (fun!). He is losing his lanugo and vernix caseosa and continues to pack on the pounds.

Labor signs: Practice contractions and - the nesting! I forgot how it hits and puts you into a cyclone of activity to prepare everything. I've been a busy lady the last few days for sure! I went to the doctor and am 1cm dilated, and Tennyson's head down.

Sometimes it's fun to look back at my pregnancy with Zooey. I didn't post a bump pic for 36 weeks with her but I did blog it!

36 weeks, Tennyson

Another shot of the which I noticed his name needs to be leveled out a little. My "nesting" project for tomorrow!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

35 weeks

How far along: 35 weeks

Size of Baby: honeydew melon (about 5.5 lbs. and 18")

Total weight gain: +32.5 lbs.

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: It's actually been a little better this week. I had a little tummy bug last weekend, so I was up a lot those nights, but since then I've been able to get up and pee and go right back to sleep. None of that annoying insomnia thinking about all the things I need to do, so praise God!

Best moment this week: I'm just cherishing watching him move across my belly. It's so cool! He's very strong and active.

Movement: :) consistent, strong and active

Food cravings: veggies, pancakes

What I miss: wearing my wedding rings, bending over, running

What I am looking forward to: We are trying to get a little remodel done by adding a small bathroom for my grandma. I'll be happy when that's over. I also have a few more things to finish in the nursery. Of course, the closer I get the more I'm looking forward to meeting Tennyson and holding him!

Milestones: He's probably starting to make his way down into the birth canal, his kidneys are fully developed and his liver can process some waste products. His basic physical development is now mostly complete, so his main job is put on weight until he's born. Yay!

Labor signs: Lots of practice contractions, and (TMI alert) I have been losing pieces of my mucous plug.
Love these snuggles!

35 weeks, 4 more to go!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

34 weeks

How far along: 34 weeks

Size of Baby: cantaloupe

Total weight gain: +30.2

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: Let's just say I don't wanna talk about it.

Best moment this week: I love it when Zooey says, "Me take you tummy off see Baby Tennyson!" That always makes me smile. We're all getting excited to meet him.

Movement: Still a lot and stronger all the time.

Food cravings: spicy food (I have instructed those around me to forcibly take this away from me if I try to eat it though - it does not sit well!), broccoli, milk, BBQ

What I miss: Sleeping on my back and my back not hurting

What I am looking forward to: Meeting Tennyson!

Weekly Wisdom: I was pleased to find out at the doctor's this week that I can take more Tylenol than I thought for my sciatica. It's helping a little bit.

Milestones: Babies born between 34-37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine! His fat continues to fill out, he's probably reached his max length and will just continue to grow in weight.

Labor signs: Braxton Hicks.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

33 weeks

How far along: 33 weeks

Size of Baby: pineapple

Total weight gain: +28.9 (same as last week, so we'll see what happens this week...)

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: It's been ok. It seems like I have a rough night then a great night. Last night was a rough night, but thankfully I was blessed to be able to take a nice long nap today. I also started getting leg cramps this past week, which I didn't have with Zooey.

Best moment this week: My shower! It was so much fun, and we got a lot of cute stuff for Tennyson.

Movement: I can tell Tennyson's starting to get a little cramped in there, because his movements are less punchy and feel more like he's stretching.

Food cravings: sushi, chicken fried chicken, blueberries (still)

What I miss: energy :)

What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, of course meeting him

Weekly Wisdom: Definitely get adjustments in pregnancy. I got one this week, and although my sciatica is still hurting, it's down a couple notches pain-wise.

Milestones: Tennyson's losing his "wrinkled look" and filling in with fat as he grows. His skeleton is hardening, and his little fingernails probably reach the end of his finger tips.

Labor signs: Lots of Braxton hicks contractions.

33 weeks

Checking out the spread at my shower

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