Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My cat is anxious about the baby

Snowball & Moto are my first "babies." Snowball is pretty chill, never really freaks out about anything and is my little constant companion. I have had her for about 9 years now. Moto is still a young little cat; we got him when he was a kitten, and he's about 3. He's always been a little "odd" and very, very feisty (however, to all you naysayers, he is NOT a feral cat - I even asked the vet). Moto has spunk (I know some of you are thinking he is evil, but he's always been very lovey to me), so much spunk, in fact, that he has to be anesthetised to be examined at the vet. Moto likes to eat plastic bags, pantyhose and wool. He has recently started to eat the fur off the back of his front legs. The vet has previously suggested anti-anxiety medication for my poor little cat, but I turned them down. Until today. I called the vet to tell her about Moto's recent hair-pulling, and she suggested them again. She even quipped that maybe after some time on the "treatment" he will be able to be examined without being drugged up. She asked about all the changes in our lives, and when I told her the only really big one was me being pregnant, she agreed with Sarah & my theory that animals are very observant, and he can probably tell there are changes happening. Poor little Moto is anxious about the baby. After all, he has been the baby for the last three years. :) I'll keep you posted on his progress...

Moto is the orange one; Snowball's the black & white
On another note, my husband is amazing!! Yesterday, I came home, and he had done all the laundry, cleaned out the office almost all the way AND patched a hole in the roof above the nursery. Today I came home, and the office was organized and cleaned out; space has been made for almost all the baby's stuff. Now all we have to do is clean out the closet and move one more bookshelf to the garage and start decorating! :)

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