Tuesday, October 8, 2013

39 weeks & a birth!

Well, that last night of being pregnant, I hardly slept. I think I got three hours of broken sleep. I was nervous about the surgery, excited about meeting our little guy, worried about Zooey and how she'd react...plus a bunch of other emotions! We got to the hospital at 6:00. I got all prepped, and Ryan and Sarah and I hung out in the room until it was go time. Everything went very well and just as I had prayed. God covered the entire birth, even the little things: I didn't jerk during the epidural, I didn't get sick, and He gave me peace about having a C-section. That confirmation came when they pulled him out at 8:12am and announced he was 9.5 lbs! Oh my, what a big boy! He got checked out by the NICU team, and he looked great (another answer to prayer - no NICU transition). He went to recovery with Ryan and RaRa, and when I got in there his sugars were a little low. We gave him a tiny bit of formula to get those up, and then he nursed pretty quickly. I keep telling Sarah she should be a lactation consultant, because she has patiently gotten me started nursing two kids. :) Anyway, his sugars were fine by the end of the required amount of time. My milk came in a lot quicker than with Zooey (day 3 - thank you God!), and he's been nursing like a champ and is gaining weight well. The C-section recovery is tougher...in different ways, obviously. I really can't say what's harder; my recovery with Zooey was tough, but I think it's tough, more like frustrating, that I still have so many restrictions three weeks out (ie: lifting). I am still glad I got one, and I feel complete peace with doing so. Tennyson is absolutely precious, and I am so blessed! Many people know how long we prayed about having another child, and whether or not to have one, so I am thrilled and so incredibly thankful that he is here!

It was so sweet when Zooey came to see him. She snuggled up to him and gave him a kiss. She said "That's my new baby brother!" and she was so excited. Tennyson gave her a new baby doll (an anatomically correct baby boy), and she loves to play with him. She told Tennyson "I love you," then she snuggled up to her daddy for the remainder of her visit.

Waiting to be admitted
39 weeks

Like my hat?

Ryan in his space suit
Welcome to the world little man!

He likes his thumb when he can find it!

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