Sunday, January 17, 2010


OK. 2009 I was pregnant and under orders not to exercise too hard; I had the baby...3rd degree tear...prolapse...enter 2010. I'm all better and ready to go! Except for that part of my brain that is not ready to go and has been superbly lazy since I've had that cute little babe. Especially since Ryan is home more - it's a blessing and an abundant answer to prayer, don't get me wrong, but I am WAY lazier when I can spend time vegging out with him all day. I'm itching to run. I am dying to ride my trainer. Then why, someone please tell me, WHY can't I get off my butt and do it?! Perhaps it has something to do with the wee little baby whom I adore needing to be fed, etc... That's really not an excuse, considering the time of day when I keep telling myself to workout is when she's in the middle of a 2 hour nap and daddy's in the next room to attend to her should she fuss. SO. This week, I'm going to find my bike pump so I can ride my trainer. I'm going to get my new running shoes. And I'm going to start working out. I promise. And even if it's just a 30 minute walk with Zooey, I'm going to do something at least 4 times this week. I'll let you know how it goes.

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