Thursday, April 9, 2009

My violent dental hygienist

I had a cleaning today, and boy, what fun that was! Normally I am one of those odd people who actually like to go get my teeth cleaned, and I don’t really mind the dentist too much. In pregnancy, one’s hormones can cause the gums to become very sensitive. My dental hygienist even noticed and commented on how my gums were a little sensitive and bleeding, yet for some unknown reason, she decided to violently floss my teeth at the end of my cleaning. The dentist came in and used a little floss – gently – after that. I swear, I have never had anyone floss my teeth so rough in my life. I was a little cranky after that appointment, mostly because my mouth is still sore. Yeah, and another thing: what’s the deal with them trying to make small talk while that have their hands and instruments all up in your mouth? How about no. How about you do your job and quit the small talk, because I can’t answer your questions right now. OK I’m done now.

On a happier note, I feel that the morning sickness is really going away - yay! Sure, it's being replaced by heartburn, but at least I can eat and don't feel like vomiting up my dinner every night. :) I am constantly amazed, all jokes and complaints aside, at how amazing it is to be carrying one of God's children. All I can think is "Wow!" and "Thank you, Lord!" I am really looking forward to feeling the baby move in about a month. That's gotta' just be out of this world!

Today my sweet husband got his weekly e-mail update on the pregnancy and decided to watch some birthing videos. He's never seen one. Ever - not in health class not on Discovery channel; these videos were his first. He described seeing them as "traumatizing" and "surprising." He was describing to me (before he showed me the videos) how the head comes out, then the baby just kind of quickly "shoots" out. I asked him what he expected, and he didn't really know but said he is glad he watched the videos. He said he probably would've freaked out if he didn't and is still not sure he's ready for it. Sweet Ryan. I just kind of had to laugh. Now, some may be thinking, "Well, Amber, you're the one who has to push it out! And he thinks he'll be traumatized?" I have a feeling he will most definitely be empathetic, because he has passed some kidney stones, which those in the medical field say are pretty comparable to childbirth. I'm just glad he's a bit more prepared than he was this morning. :)

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