Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Waiting for HCG Results

It's funny to me that our faith can seem so huge one minute or day, like mine did on Monday, then dissipate as we try to control our own lives through different ways. My way is worry. I got my second vial of blood drawn today, after much lunchtime drama and having to go back after work - URG! - and having the tech stick me so hard I tensed up. (Side note: I really need to learn to suck it up, because if things go well, I'm going to be pushing a human out of me in 8 months). On the boards today, I was reading a couple posts and noticed a couple of women said they had "chemical pregnancies." Well, stupid me (I never learn to stay away from Google) looked up "how common are chemical pregnancies?" only to find out that these are the 50-70% of miscarriages that happen before a woman knows she's pregnant or finds out then starts her period a little late. GREEEAAT. Because I needed to give myself something ELSE to worry about. All I can do is pray. That's all I can do, because I cannot control this baby's life any more than I can control my own.

I'm calling tomorrow morning to get my lab results and praying God has increased my hormones just as they should be.

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