Sunday, August 10, 2014

Tennyson is 9 months!

Whoa! Whoaaaa I am BEHIND. I better catch up, or I'll never catch up, and considering this is my
"baby book" at the moment, I need to keep up. Good thing I keep notes on my phone. I've also noticed I take a lot more pictures and videos these days, because I have a smart phone. What did we ever do before? Anyway, here's a glimpse of what Tennyson was up to in his 9th month of life.

Tennyson now:
- Weighs 21.5 lbs. and is 28.5 inches long (at his 9 month check up)
- Claps
- Waves "bye bye"
- Waves "hello"
- Pulls to standing occasionally; the first time was in his crib when he was playing.
- Signs "more" and "all done"
- Has 2 more teeth...his upper lateral incisors, which is a little unique!
- Imitates sounds "da" for dog and "ba" for ball
- Screams! He loves to hear his voice and play with it!
- Tennyson went on his first trip this month to visit Nana and Papa in Colorado. He did great and warmed up quickly to everyone, despite his 9 month bout with separation anxiety. The car ride home was a little rough, but that's because the first of those two new teeth were coming in. He is a very easy going and flexible baby.
- Gets on his hands and knees and rocks

Tennyson loves:
- Zooey! This has got to be my favorite part of being a mom to two - the way they interact and light up at each other's presence. This is probably preparation for the days when I want to lock them in separate dungeons due to the amount of fighting that will someday ensue.
- Dogs. He loves animals, period, but especially dogs.
- Mommy. We have hit separation anxiety.
- Balls
- Table foods. He always wants to eat what we're eating and often gets mad if we don't give him some.
- Water play. We had swim lessons this month, and even when it was cold, he loved getting in the water. He would kick his little feet and babble and laugh. He also enjoyed the spray park. He would get surprised and gasp when the water sprayed him then giggle.

Tennyson dislikes:
- Mommy leaving the room :)

Big Boy in his 12 month PJ's

"You talkin to me?!"

First day of swim lessons

Zooey's such a good helper, and he just adores her!

Trying to crawl

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