Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tennyson ~ Four months

My little man is four months old! He weighs 15.3 lbs, is 24 3/4 inches long and has a head circumference of 16 3/4. He is hefty!

He likes:
Tickle games
Peek a Boo
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
His mobile
Gnawing on links and his fingers and trying to find his thumb
His ceiling (I don't know what it is but the kid is obsessed!)
Bath time. He loves to watch the water and try to touch it as it pours on his tummy. 
His activity gym

He LOVES his big sister! He lights up around her and his whole body convulses in excitement at the sight of her face. 
He also loves Gideon and gets very happy to see him. He lets Gideon give him love pats in the face and they talk to each other; Gideon holds Tennyson's hand and blows him kisses. Cutest.thing.ever!
He also lights up for Daddy. He can't get enough of him. He stops nursing to crane his neck, and if Ryan's in the room, I am practically non-existent. 

Tennyson now:
Can reach for objects and bring them to his mouth
Is starting to occasionally smack/"chew" when he sees people eating
Is getting super fast at nursing!
Coos a lot, especially to his ceiling and in the car to Zooey 

Things he's not so fond of:
Shots (who is?). This time was especially rough because we didn't do any Tylenol. It was a rough 12 or so hours until he was back to his happy self. 
He is starting to realize that when I lay him down to change him he's getting a nap, and he often protests. 

He is a very happy little guy and quite the flirt. He loves all the ladies at BSF! He's also very laid back like his daddy.


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