Thursday, June 27, 2013

28 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks

Size of Baby: About 2.5 lbs. and 14.8" (Chinese cabbage)

Total weight gain: +24.5 (pretty much no gain this week)

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: I think I'd describe my sleep as "OK." Lots of tossing and turning and starting to use the restroom more. It's been pretty hot here, and even though we keep our thermostat as low as it can go without freezing, all of you who have been pregnant know how hot you can get.

Best moment this week: Today marks the end of the second trimester! He'll be here in 11 more weeks! That's not a lot of time, and I'm getting more excited every day to meet him and hold him.

Movement: I love his little movements right now. I see a little pokes and swishes and feel him getting stronger. He usually moves at regular intervals, and I definitely see a reaction to food (especially that birthday party cake this past weekend!).

Food cravings: broccoli, berries with homemade whipped cream, chai

What I miss: My back not killing me at the end of the day

What I am looking forward to: My shower, our garage sale, so I can finish Tennyson's nursery

Weekly Wisdom: Hmmm...slow down a bit when you know you need to. I've kind of been overdoing it some days lately.

Milestones: Third trimester begins this week. He can blink his eyes, which now have eyelashes. He's getting white fat to keep him energized, and he's developing millions of brain neurons.

Labor signs: I'm pretty sure I was having contractions late yesterday afternoon and into the evening. I think I was dehydrated; I've been fine all day today. I'm going to make a more conscious effort not to do much outside and to stay hydrated.

28 weeks

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