Friday, April 25, 2014


First, the most exciting news: Zooey accepted Jesus into her heart this month! March 10 before bed, we were reading about the Lord's Supper, when Zooey asked if Jesus lived in her heart. After explaining that we have to ask Jesus in our hearts to forgive us of our sins, she prayed, "Dear Jesus, please come live in my heart! Amen." I asked her if she knew why Jesus died, and she answered, "For my sins!" It was such a privilege to be there with her for this moment. She was so excited and keeps talking about how Jesus lives in her heart.

- Zooey sleep-walked once this month. She was totally exhausted and was coming down with a fever. It was so weird! She came out to the living room, looked around, then laid down right there and fell asleep again. She never woke up when I took her back to bed.
- She said, "I'm going to marry Daddy. We will take a trip to the hospital and a babysitter will watch you and Daddy for five nights. Then I will bring five babies home."
- My sweet girl ran onto the playground at BSF and saw me there with my class. She ran up to me, and yelled, "I wanna see my mommy!!" It's these moments that just warm the cockles of my heart. :)
- My dad had to go to the hospital this month. Zooey was very concerned about him. She prayed for him every night and told me, "I wanna go see Grandpa at the hospital. I am really really worried about Grandpa." She has such a sweet, loving heart.
- For about a week this month, she came into my room when her bunny clock woke up and sang me, "Good Morning God" to wake me up.

Zooey has been working so hard at her speech and OT, and I can tell she's making huge strides. I got to help at the teddy bear picnic at her school, and her focus and attention were great! Her SLPs say she is doing awesome. She gets frustrated sometimes at the drills, but she will now take a deep breath all by herself and then continue trying. If something's not working for her, she'll often tell the object to obey her. It's pretty funny. :)

She was so cute at the teddy bear picnic. She was excited to find the bears and loved going on the little scavenger hunt. I love the wonder and curiosity of this age. Zooey loves getting caught up in imaginative games and stories. She will play with her dolls for a very long time, just making up little stories.

Zooey loves Tennyson and her sweet little cousin Gideon. She is always concerned when they cry and wants to know why they are crying. She tries to help them feel better by telling them, "It's ok. Don't cry!" and she'll give them a hug. Such a loving little girl.

She loved roller skating so much, we're thinking about doing lessons this summer.

Getting ready for the teddy bear picnic

Going on a bear hunt

Found her bear at last!

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