Thursday, July 2, 2009

So much to do

Pretty sure the ‘ol nesting instinct has kicked in. There is so much – SO MUCH – that needs to be done before the babe comes into the world. And there is not a whole lot time left (96 days to be exact). It seems like even when my ticker said “103 days left” I was ok, but now that it’s under 100, it feels like time is just running out. In two weeks I will be in my third trimester! I look back over my blog, and I truly can’t believe it was 6 months ago when I took that positive test.

I know this weekend is a holiday, but this weekend or next, I think we are going to kick our planning into gear. Ryan rented a storage unit for some of the stuff in our garage, and while I was holding onto some of our stuff (dishes, etc…) out there, I think I’m just going to have a garage sale to get rid of a bunch of stuff we don’t need. Once the garage is cleaned out, we can clean out the nursery the rest of the way, because there’s some stuff that needs to be stored (and a lot that needs to be tossed!). By the end of July, I want to have the nursery cleaned completely, painted and have the furniture set up. In August, we start our classes, so that will take up some of our time. I am also going to cook and freeze meals each weekend in August, and possibly September, too. I want to have enough meals to last us six weeks. I was browsing the internet and actually found some pretty good sounding Weight Watchers recipes that are freezable. (side note: WW and triathlon training is how I’m planning to lose my baby weight – I’m already in the process of picking out a tri with Jenni for next June/July :) ) The other thing I’d really like to try to get done is ripping the carpet up in our living room and hallway and going with the hardwood underneath, like we have in our room. Oh, and of course, disinfecting our whole house before Baby comes home. :) We’ll also need to find a place for the stuff we receive at my shower and wash all her clothes and stuff like that. Here on “paper,” it doesn’t seem like this is a lot to do, but spaced out on my calendar, the whole process will take a good month or two. I want it all done by September, in case she comes early and also to give my (at that point) gigantic pregnant self time to rest.

I’m praying so hard that Ryan will hear back from TSA soon and for God to confirm with great clarity whether or not this is the job for him. I was really stressing out about this yesterday, because he read online that one person had to wait six months to hear back from their background check! No matter what, though, I know God will provide for our family and it will be ok. The verse I got today when I got to work was Romans 12:12 – “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Yes, Lord, that is what we will continue to do.

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