Moto decided he wanted to be in the 30 week update pic. too!
I’m a couple days late posting my update, but sometimes during the week all I want to do is eat dinner & go to sleep. This has been one of those weeks!
How far along? 30 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: +/- 0 last week; 26.3 overall
Maternity clothes: Yup
Stretch marks? Not yet…
Sleep: So tired I conk out and sleep most of the night
Best moment this week: Not fully baby related, but progressing on our house – we’re almost there!
Movement: Lots of it! Today she got the hiccups and was jumping for about 10 minutes.
Food cravings: Hmmm…not much, really. My appetite seems to have decreased the last week due to bigger uterus and baby pressing on my stomach.
Gender: It’s a girl!
Labor signs: Nope, just those Braxton Hicks contractions.
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss: Being able to help Ryan with household tasks and not feeling so sore that I did two triathlons back-to-back. I am taking it easy from this point out – I learned my lesson. Also…sometimes I miss just being able to go out in public without my belly becoming a conversation topic with strangers, but from what I hear, this must be preparation for having a baby.
What I am looking forward to: The house being done; my baby shower.
Weekly Wisdom: Don’t look at your registry; that way you’ll be surprised!
Milestones: I can countdown – 10, 9, 8….weeks to go!
I feel like my belly has gotten ginormous in the last week! I wonder if I will find out from the doctor that we had another little growth spurt when I go in next week. I’m finding I’ve become more interactive with the baby as her movements get stronger & I can see more. I also learned that she can now recognize music, so I’ve started to play some soothing songs in my car on the way home and sing to her. I like Plumb’s album Blink. It’s lullabies, but not the classic ones. She’s got some really cool remakes of hymns and such on there. I can’t believe how quickly time goes. It truly feels like it was just a month or so ago when I took that positive test, and now we are only 10 weeks or so from bringing her home. I pray every day that the Lord will prepare us for this next step in our marital journey, that we’ll be the kind of parents He wants us to be and much more for her life.
Our first childbirth class (1 of 2) is tomorrow. Although I love kids and have wanted my own my whole life, I have still had massive fear of labor & delivery since I was about the age of thirteen. I’m hoping the classes will give me enough information to keep me informed and calm my fears. I’ve heard the nurses don’t really like patients who freak out, so I’m going to do my best to not be one of them. Updates of that to follow… :)
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