Saturday, July 25, 2009

Paint & Swollen Ankles

Ryan stayed up until after 1:00 putting primer on my living room walls. He also had to work today from at least 9-6, so I'm very appreciative. :) I do believe our nesting instinct is in full swing, don't you? :) My mom came over today to help me paint and also to help my grandma with some things. We started painting at about 10:45 and kept going, with a short break for lunch, until 4:25. Here are the results so far. Other results include sciatic nerve pain, swollen ankles and expectation of a very good night of sleep. The hardwood floor people are coming to finish our floors this week; they should be done by Wednesday or Thursday, and what you will see is a nice oak color, which is a little lighter than the color you see now. Hard work pays off, because I am proud of the results so far.

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