I went to the doctor on Wednesday, my 25 week mark. My fundal height is currently measuring 27cm, so she said I obviously had a growth spurt. I was reading online at thebump.com that 2cm either way is normal. I also asked about having a big baby and what determines their size: nutrition, obviously, and genetics. She said if I'm going to have a 12 lb. baby like Ryan was, she will deliver her via C-section, so she's going to keep an eye on the baby's size. I obviously don't want a C-section, because of the recovery timeframe and the fact that it's major surgery, but I can't lie and say that I'm not relieved about not pushing a 12 lb. human out of my vagina. Yikes; that would hurt. Baby's heartbeat was good, at 144 BPM, and she kicked the doppler - I felt it and heard it. I am thinking she doesn't like it too much. :)
I thought I was getting some hemmorhoids, another joyful side effect of pregnancy, so she wanted to take a look. It's not hemmorhoids, and it might be a fistula. Without going into too much detail about this lovely (and scary) problem, I had some issues a couple years ago that may not have cleared up all the way. I'm nervous for several reasons: the anasthesia's effect on the baby, if I have to have surgery, the healing process, labor worsening the problem. I can't be seen by a specialist until August 7th. I've just been praying that God will heal me if it's His will, that I can get in sooner and that maybe there is a non-surgical solution that will permanently get rid of the problem. I know God's got me and Baby in His hands, so I'm really trying not to worry too much about this.
Baby is getting bigger, not that I can tell how big from "the outside," but her movements are definitely getting stronger. She kicks a lot, and since my uterus is up by my rib cage now, I can feel some fluttery type movements up there, too - almost like she is brushing it with her little hand. I will post a pic. update soon.
1 comment:
I know your fears about a big baby Amber, Kevin weighed in at 11.12 oz so I have the same thoughts!!! I will be praying for you!
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