Wednesday, June 3, 2009

10 more days until vacation!

I cannot wait! Ryan & I will be going to San Antonio for a week and other than a couple planned activities, we plan to just relax. I'm very excited. I really, really need the break from work, and this will be our last long trip with just the two of us for awhile. We've been really blessed that so far in our marriage we've been able to go away together each year for our anniversary; this year is #4. Time goes so fast!

I was talking to a girl at work today about her ex-fiancee. So much of his treatment of her reminds me of my past and makes me realize how I am incredibly grateful for Ryan. He has always been respectful, caring, patient and loving toward me. I am so thankful God put me with my perfect match and that we are now going to have a child together. He's so much fun to be with but sensitive and serious, too. I can't wait for the next four - and more - years together.

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