I look at my ticker at the top, which says I am 13 weeks, 5 days preganant. It gives the dates for T1, T2 and T3. I guess sometimes my pregnancy still feels surreal to me, because to me those "T's" stand for "transition" in triathlon lingo. I got kind of a cute idea from one of the blogs I follow, and I thought it might be fun to start kind of a basic list of things that are happening regarding the pregnancy. I have to say, I am very relieved to be past my first trimester! For anyone who has gone through it, it's especially nerve-wracking. Last week I was especially paranoid when I got so ill, because I was so worried I was going to get dehydrated. On Thursday, I realized I had to go to the doctor for more personal "fun" reason, so I began to pray that if I asked, she would let me hear the baby's heartbeat again - especially since I had been unsuccessful at my attempts with our home doppler. I almost started crying at how much God cares about the intimate details of our lives, because as soon as I was done telling her what was going on, she pulled out the doppler -
without me asking - and had me lay back, so we could hear the heartbeat. God is just so cool to do little things like that for us! Our other milestone this week was announcing to the people in our lives who didn't know that we were expecting. That's been exciting. I gotta' say that it's also been a little "freeing" not having to try to suck in my belly at work anymore to prevent the stares I've been getting the last few weeks. :) Most of my belly at this point is still probably bloat, but because I'm small, I can tell where the top of my uterus is. Some of this bump is me starting to show. Here is my 13 week "belly" picture:

How far along: 13 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: +1 lb. (the only good thing about losing 10 lbs. when I was sick is that now I'm where I should be gain wise)
Maternity clothes?: some pants & bella band
Stretch marks: nope
Sleep: still doing well
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat on the doppler at the doctor's office on Monday.
Movement: Can't feel it yet, but heard some kicks on the doppler :)
Food Cravings: Cheerios, cherry Twizzlers, fresh fruit
Gender: really thought it was a boy up to this point, currently no leanings...
Labor signs: none.
Belly button in or out: In. And if it pops out, I will be disgusted.
What I miss: Running hard in this beautiful weather.
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the baby move, and in 2 appointments the ultrasound and finding out the sex!
Weekly wisdom: From my friend Jennifer, not to stress about weight gain but to be as healthy as I can and know my body will gain what it needs to gain to keep the baby healthy.
Milestones: Telling our little world.
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