Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And the big ultrasound is...

...unfortunately, not scheduled. My doctor's schedule is not out for May yet, but the receptionist said she's hoping it will be out by the end of the week. Today the baby tried to yet again hide from her when she tried to find his/her heart beat. The baby snuggled way down as far as s/he could - behind my pubic bone - silly little thing! The doctor must've been able to hear some noises recognizable to her, though, because she kept following the baby around saying that it sounded like the baby here and there and it was wiggling around a lot.

I'm going for my lab work tomorrow. She said that it can take up to a month to receive normal results, so she'll probably go over them at my next appointment. If the tests show an abnormality, they will call sooner. At that point, they would send me for an early ultrasound to make sure everything's ok. She said she actually got a false positive for Down's Syndrom when she got tested with her first, but the baby was ok. She encouraged me not to freak out if something like that does happen, which I will really try not to do since I've read that can be common. That's about all the news for today! I appreciate your prayers for healthy test results.

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