I forgot to post a week 15 update (pregnancy brain!). I think I’m just going to post on Wednesday, since that marks Week 16.
I felt the baby move on Saturday! We were standing in line at the grocery store, and I felt a fluttering type sensation in my abdomen. At first I didn’t know what it was, and I actually asked Ryan if the floor was shaking. It wasn’t (duh). But the sensation continued the whole time we were in line; it was so cool! It felt like if you were to lightly drum your fingers on your arm, only it was on the inside. Wow! I told Ryan I thought the baby was moving, but he didn’t really believe me at first. We both kind of shrugged it off as something that wouldn’t happen for another couple weeks, “maybe I just had gas” type moment. Yesterday I was talking to my mom and another lady at work, though, and they both said that’s exactly what it was. I also told another friend here, and before I could even describe the “finger drumming fluttering” sensation, that’s exactly how she described it! I even felt it again this morning right when I woke up. It’s just so amazing and such a blessing to be carrying a baby.
One of the reasons I think this is just so cool – especially at 15.5 weeks is because I actually prayed two quick little prayers on Friday morning in the shower: that I wouldn’t have to wait until 19 or 20 weeks to feel the baby move and that Ryan & I would be able to find some of the things we need that we’re not registering for and save money on them. We got on Craig’s list on Friday night and saw two such items, a brand new, wrapped breast pump and a brand new, in-the-box stroller. We e-mailed on both of them and were able to purchase a pump normally costing $280 for $160 and a stroller normally costing $150 for $50! God is just SO good!! He truly cares about the intimate details of our lives. It’s so cool to do this blog to journal for myself, because I think it’s so easy to overlook or even forget some of these little things He does for me. And I know it’s not just me – I sit in our leader’s circle on Saturday mornings and listen to the ladies share answers to prayer requests that were given and even little ones throughout the week. I am constantly amazed at the grace and unconditional love of the Lord.
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