Friday, April 25, 2014

Tennyson 7 Months

Tennyson is 7 months old! I cannot believe he's more than half way to turning one! I tell you, I thought things went fast with Zooey, but Tennyson seems to be growing at warp speed.

Tennyson now:
- sit independently
- has his two bottom front teeth (got his first on 3/15)
- is eating finger foods
- weighs about 18.9 lbs. as of last week sometime

Tennyson loves:
- puffs! What baby doesn't? :)
Let it Go the song from Frozen. Yup...he gets SUPER excited when it comes on in the car or at home...or when Zooey sings it. He hears it a lot.
- swinging at the park
- tickles
- peek-a-boo
- has grown really interested in animals

Tennyson doesn't like:
- other people putting him down for naps

Tennyson and Zooey have a pretty special bond. I think this is one of my favorite things as a parent. I love to watch their relationship grow. Tennyson has some separation anxiety now (not all the time, thankfully!). What's interesting is that he seems to have it with Zooey too. The other night we went out to dinner, and I was buckling him in his car seat; Zooey was not in the car yet. He sat up in his car seat to look at her seat, and when he didn't see her, he started crying. As soon as he saw her climb over the front seat he sat back and was content. When we got home that night, he craned his neck to find her and was so happy to see her! He will also fuss if she walks out of the room when she's been talking to him. It's really sweet!

One of my favorite times of day with Tennyson is nursing him to sleep and rocking him. I didn't do this with Zooey. I hope I'm not starting too bad of a habit! :) He is my last baby, though, and I just want to relish every second of those snuggles. I love to feel his weight on me and how his little body wraps into mine like a little comma. It is so relaxing for both of us!

quick snooze while Zooey was at speech

They love each other so much!

sitting like a boss! :)

Big boy toy at RaRa's

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