Friday, April 25, 2014


It has been TOO long since I've done an update. Life is crazy right now, and I cannot wait until summer break. Thankfully, I've been taking notes in my phone about the cute and wonderful stuff I don't want to forget. :)

- I took Zooey on a trike ride. At lunch, I asked her if she had fun, and she said, "Yes, thanks. That felt good today."
- She said, "Your phone's calling you," whenever my phone rang.
- "Love you forever."
- One night before bed, I told her I was sorry I didn't get to play with her much that day and asked her to forgive me. She replied, "Ya. I just really need you to play with me. You no feed baby Tennyson ALL DAY LONG. Stop feeding baby Tennyson all day."
- She calls the color silver, "silverware."
- God answered a prayer of mine and Ryan suggested pulling Zooey out of school next year on Wednesdays to be able to attend BSF. This was a thought I had, but I hadn't suggested it to him, yet.
- She had a cold one day, and took a drink of her water and said, "Feels so good! I feel sick." Then she blew her nose out onto the ground. Yuck! lol
- I was in the shower one day when she got up from her nap, so she went in the kitchen and got her own bowl and goldfish. She showed me what she did and said, "I know; I'm so special!"
- I was doing my quiet time one morning and praying. She came into the living room and kneeled beside me to pray. So special! 

Super fun craft - ice cube painting. Kept her busy for about an hour.

Poor baby got gum in her hair. She did not like the peanut butter removal process.

So excited to see "baby Tennyson."

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