Monday, December 31, 2012

TTC, Well, Not Really

I think I might be pregnant. OK, OK, I know people would think I'm crazy if I actually said that out loud to anyone, but I just...have a feeling. And my boobs hurt really bad and I have some weird happenings in my uterus. Why the crazy part? I'm only 3 days past ovulation (at least by my best calculations). Another funny thing? I'll find out on Ryan's birthday, most likely, which was when Zooey was conceived. Ha. Hahaha. Well, I guess we'll know in a couple weeks.

This time is different. I don't feel any super rush to conceive. We're not "trying" just off any form of protection against it. I'm actually freaking out a bit about the idea for several reasons: I'm on medication I need to get off, I don't want to give up my coffee, I'm worried about scarring Zooey for life with a sibling who needs attention too (I know, really rational, right?). We're basically leaving it totally in God's hands and we'll see what He does.

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