Sunday, December 2, 2012


November flew by. I feel like it was just Halloween, and we just got back from our trip. It was a busy month with lots of stuff going on in this little family. I've been single-mom'ing it a lot these days due to Ryan's work. That makes for fun-filled, hair-pulling, so-crazy-I'm-going-to-lose-it days. And also some genuine fun-filled days. :)

Zooey had a growth spurt sometime in the last month, because her 2T pants are finally starting to get too short. She had a trip to the doctor earlier this month for falling and getting a big cut on the back of her head; she had to get staples. That was an ADVENTURE! If you should ever, God forbid, have to take a three year old to get this done, I have one word that might help: bribery. And that didn't even help that much. I'm pretty sure she forgot about the sucker when three people had to hold her down. Anyway, I don't remember how much they said she weighed, but it was like 29.5, I think.

Funny/cute stuff:
~ One day last week it got really quiet while I was getting dinner ready, and I walked in to see two empty Ghiardelli wrappers with a third one ripped. She got the wrappers open with her teeth and ran down the hall when I came in the room.Girl loves chocolate!
~ She belly laughs a lot these days! To her, every little thing is funny, especially things that crash or fall. Rey was spinning a water bottle, knocking over the plastic salt container, and this was hilarious to Zooey. She also likes to stack things really tall and then knock them over; this gets a good laugh out of her.
~ She says, "yeah, me too!" a lot, especially when she's watching TV and they mention something they like.
~ She loves to smell coffee grounds when I'm making coffee.
~ Ever since the staples/head injury, she thinks all people have boo boo's and need to go to the doctor.
~ It is super cute when she says the turkey says "gobble, gobble, gobble!"

Other updates:
~ Her new SLP says she is doing wonderful. Right now we're working on her putting sounds on the end of words, especially "t" and "p." She uses a "k" sound a lot.
~ I took her to Explora! this week, and I was amazed at how much more she can do and also was interested in since the last time we went, early in the summer. The exhibits held her attention a lot longer, and she was more interested in listening to me explain them before she tried them this time. Then she would tell me what she was doing, for example, she'd say, "wave" when she was making little waves.
~ Even though she's ornery for me sometimes (what child isn't that way with their parents?), I always get wonderful reports from teachers and caregivers, saying she is very well-behaved and listens well. Yay!

Family photo on the iPhone

Look how grown up she looks!

After the head injury :( But look how cute she looks!

First hot chocolate

Cute outfit alert - and LEAVES!

Cute outfit I wanted to show off #2

Big Girl

...another cute outfit - girls are so fun!

So proud of herself riding her scooter all by herself the first time

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