Sunday, July 22, 2012

What a week!

This song has been in my head this week, and I was surprised and joyful that we got to sing a portion of it at church this morning! This week was one of those weeks where I just saw God's mighty hand at work in the intimate details, and it was truly so sweet to trust Him.

I hit (another!) car at the zoo this week while I was parking. It's kind of a long story, but it turns out we didn't have insurance on the car for three months (it was still in my dad's name, and I'd been lazy about getting it registered). I was SO freaked out about what the consequences were going to be. As I waited for the person to call me, I prayed - a lot - and had my friends pray, too. Ryan was unbelievably gracious about the whole thing. It really touched my heart how sweet and calm he was about it, especially considering I hit a car at the gym like three months ago (clear the roads, people! Just kidding!). As a side note, I am REALLY trying to park slower and pay extra careful attention before I pull into a spot. Anyway, the man called me and said, "Let's just let this go. I'm not going to file anything." He ended the call by saying "God bless you." WOW!

Some friends of mine from church for whom I have been praying for found out that there three boys are now able to be adopted. Praise God! If you were to see this family, you would just KNOW that these boys belong with them. God is so good.

Although this is somewhat embarrassing ::blushes::, I am still going to put it out there. I started reading this the day after I started my 30 day journey to purity. This is the same author of The Magic Mike post. One of her thoughts in that post was that our time spent reading erotic books and watching movies like this would be spent well steaming up our own marriage. Without getting too personal, I will say this series has opened up a lot of dialogue between Ryan and me. It's been great.

We've been visiting Calvary and listening to a series on marriage, Keep Calm & Marry On. God is definitely working in our marriage. He is opening my eyes to be more appreciative of Ryan and showing me the importance of respecting him. It's been a really good series. Skip's teachings are available for download. I'd recommend listening. It's been one of those great weeks that God gives us sometimes, where we're allowed to see magnified glimpses of His holiness, provision and goodness even in the midst of the busy-ness. Praise God for a wonderful week!

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