This last month has been awesome! Quite a bit happened, but the biggest is that Zooey just continues to become her own little person, and it is just so fun to watch. She has such a sweet, loving personality. She is also spunky and can be very stubborn, but she knows when she's overwhelmed and will give herself a time out to cool down. Love it! We went on our first car trip up to Denver, which is about a seven hour drive without stopping. We made it in about 8 hours. Zooey did
incredibly well. She took her naps when she was told to, she played with the toys we brought her (mostly coloring books), and she watched a movie on the iPad. Speaking of movies, she's gotten into snuggling up and watching movies with me and Ryan. She loves
Tangled and
Toy Story. She is also becoming very opiniated and making her ideas known more and more. She will now bargain for "two" minutes instead of one. She just had to wear her new tennis shoes out of Target a couple of weeks ago. Zooey loves to march, dance, jump and run. Ryan will put music on for her, and she dances alone and with him. It's really cute! She's becoming less picky about food - one of her new favorites are kale chips! She also has (finally) taking a liking to carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes. She likes sunflower butter and grilled asparagus, all are things she wouldn't touch a month ago. Zooey's started counting; we count to ten at bedtime. She doesn't have it down perfect, yet, but she knows what comes next most of the time when we ask her. One of her favorite things to do continues to be to pour, scoop and sort things. Right now she's really into beans, especially hunting for the hidden pieces of a puzzle I've put under the beans. She continues to LOVE to color, and has started "drawing" choo-choo's, daddy, mommy, bubbles and RaRa. I love to see her use her imagination! I mentioned that she is caring; I've been sick with a cold recently, and she will stroke my face and say "care doctor." :) She also blew kisses to RaRa's burns on her hand and constantly remembered them whenever we talked about Sarah. I love her so much! When she does stuff like that it shows me that we're doing something right.
On the way to CO |
Playing on the beach the day before my tri |
Being cute :) |
Smiles all around |
Hugging her baby, "Emma," whom she named after our friend's baby |
With her buddy, Kyle |
Spray Park!! Another favorite! |
She was overcome with excitement meeting Elmo at a local playroom |
Jesus' princess, a daughter of the King :) |
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