Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today at the doctor

Nothing really happened. I'm still 3cm dilated, 80% effaced, baby is now at +1 station (lower) and she stripped my membranes again. I'm scheduled next week for any appointment if I don't deliver, they'll do a biophysical profile. They'll give me an ultrasound and do some fetal monitoring. I guess my doctor's office doesn't let you go past 40 weeks unless everything is perfect with the amniotic fluid and the baby, so if anything's off, they'll induce next week. If everything's still perfect, they will wait one more week and induce at 41 weeks. So, I guess the good news in all of this is that, no matter what, our baby will be here in 2 weeks! I had also really been freaking out earlier in the week, because there is a horrible virus/cold thing going around my work; about half my office has it. I talked to her about it, asked her what she thought and after her saying I really don't want to get sick this close to labor and that women in labor with this type of bug have a harder time pushing because of their congestion, I decided to ask for my leave note. I am officially on maternity leave tomorrow. Please continue to pray for supernatural health protection for me and Ryan; according to the news, this thing is hitting us pretty hard here.

I got my assistant all set up in my office for the duration of my leave, as someone else will be using her desk. It was weird. I haven't told them yet that I probably won't be back, because for one, Ryan is not yet hired on at TSA and second, we need the health insurance (which pretty much falls into reason #1). I am consistently praying that God will work out the job/insurance situation, so I will be able to stay home with the baby. It is so hard not to have magical powers to be able to look in the future and control whatever we want! However, I do trust the Lord for His best in my family's life, and I need to let go and calm down. Oh, and try to enjoy the last bit of relaxation I have while I'm off, right? :)

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