Vote in the poll on the left – I’d like to know what you think. Plus, it’s kind of a fun way to bet without really betting. :)
How far along? 37 weeks (21 days to go until my due date!…but I don’t think she’ll be in there that long)
Total weight gain? +31.5 lbs. – Yay! I have stayed within the 25-35/no more than 40 lb. gain that was my goal!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and my shirts are getting tight and short.
Stretch marks? No (thanks, Mom!) :)
Sleep? Not super great but not horrible. Mostly interrupted by bathroom breaks. I believe this is God’s preparation for midnight feedings.
Best moment this week? Completely finishing the nursery & putting together all baby stuff.
Movement: Still a lot, but she’s getting kind of smooshed in there, so it feels different – more jabs & stretches than constant kicks.
Food cravings: Sonic slushes, Blakes, grilled cheese sandwiches, lots of milk
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: I will find out tomorrow if I’m any more dilated or if I’ve effaced any. As far as I know, I’m 1cm & the Braxton Hicks are getting stronger & happening more often. Baby feels SUPER low in the pelvis! Been losing the mucous plug in little pieces.
Belly button in or out?: In (thank you, Lord, for that little bit of kindness). Again, I hate belly buttons…they give me the heeby jeebies!
What I miss: Wearing my wedding rings.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting and holding our little girl.
Weekly wisdom: Rest and take naps as needed!
Milestones: I’m full-term today! Woo-hoo!!
How far along? 37 weeks (21 days to go until my due date!…but I don’t think she’ll be in there that long)
Total weight gain? +31.5 lbs. – Yay! I have stayed within the 25-35/no more than 40 lb. gain that was my goal!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and my shirts are getting tight and short.
Stretch marks? No (thanks, Mom!) :)
Sleep? Not super great but not horrible. Mostly interrupted by bathroom breaks. I believe this is God’s preparation for midnight feedings.
Best moment this week? Completely finishing the nursery & putting together all baby stuff.
Movement: Still a lot, but she’s getting kind of smooshed in there, so it feels different – more jabs & stretches than constant kicks.
Food cravings: Sonic slushes, Blakes, grilled cheese sandwiches, lots of milk
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: I will find out tomorrow if I’m any more dilated or if I’ve effaced any. As far as I know, I’m 1cm & the Braxton Hicks are getting stronger & happening more often. Baby feels SUPER low in the pelvis! Been losing the mucous plug in little pieces.
Belly button in or out?: In (thank you, Lord, for that little bit of kindness). Again, I hate belly buttons…they give me the heeby jeebies!
What I miss: Wearing my wedding rings.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting and holding our little girl.
Weekly wisdom: Rest and take naps as needed!
Milestones: I’m full-term today! Woo-hoo!!
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