Well, folks, the votes are in. After numerous comments at work this week and after my sister showing my picture to some nurses at work (and after the increasing pressure on my pelvic bones, hips and bladder), it’s official – I’ve dropped. I can’t decide if I would rather feel all this pressure when I get up and walk or if I’d rather have the heartburn I had last week. I guess the pressure, because the nausea I was attributing to morning sickness also seems to be gone this week. It’s funny how you can’t fully believe something until you truly experience it yourself. Like how in my childbirth class, the instructor said, “You think you have to pee now? Wait until you drop.” I thought to myself, “I doubt it will get any worse.” HA! Foolish, naïve Amber! Now, all I have to do is stand up and – plop – the baby’s head is on my bladder & I have to go. I am also back to taking my naps at lunch and sometimes when I get home from work like I was in the first trimester. I think pregnancy exhaustion is actually in part preparation from God for having a newborn. Same with middle of the night bathroom breaks. J All discomforts aside, I still love being pregnant and am cherishing the gift that it is. I have mentioned before that I keep thinking Baby’s going to come early – I’ve thought it throughout the entire pregnancy. Now, whether or not this is my Type-A-self trying to control the situation to be as prepared as possible or whether my intuition is actually on target I won’t know until she actually comes. I can add, however, that now that she’s dropped and I’ve been told women deliver 2-4 weeks after dropping, I’m thinking it even more. My sister also thinks I’m going to deliver early, and like she says, if she’s going to be gigantic, maybe it would be better if she did come a little early (at least for the labor & delivery). J Of course, I could be way off base & go past 40 weeks, too. Yikes. I am so excited to meet her! I am so excited to see Ryan as a daddy; I know he’s going to do a great job. I am just excited all around for this next step in our lives together.
Here is my 35 week picture:

How far along: 35 weeks (35 days to go until the due date!)
Weight gain: 31 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yes, and the shirts are getting mighty tight & a little short
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Wish I could get more of it
Best moment this week: Having 1 random stranger & 2 people I know tell me I’m “all baby,” look beautiful & look like I haven’t gained that much weight other than the belly.
Movement: Lots of jabs & kicks. I’m starting to feel little angular jabs or drags across my belly, which I’m thinking are elbows & knees. Oh, wow! Last night I ate a spicy dinner, and she went CRAZY for about an hour afterwards, including hiccups.
Food cravings: Nips candies, Dr. Pepper
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Baby dropping, Braxton Hicks contractions
What I miss: Waking up in the morning and not wanting to crawl immediately back into bed from exhaustion
What I’m looking forward to: My work shower on Thursday, my maternity photos on Sunday & getting the house finished this weekend (3-day weekend WOOHOO!)
Weekly Wisdom: In our baby care basics class last night, she had the class discuss with their partners some things about postpartum life and how to prepare for it. It was nice be able to discuss things with Ryan on how we can make life easier, like sleep when the baby sleeps (duh), take turns eating dinner if the baby’s fussy & needs to be held so we can both get a chance to feed ourselves, too, figure out how we can mitigate common disagreements which may escalate once the baby arrives, make a “bliss list” of things we’ll need and how often & how we can accomplish that (ie: have date nights at least twice a month, work out, have decompression time after work). I am also really taking to heart the advice everyone’s been giving me: to cherish every moment with our child; she is a gift from God, and time will move so fast.
Milestones: Baby’s dropping!
1 comment:
And so it begins! You look great, and I bet you go early too. (I'm hoping so for your sake!) Keep us posted -we're praying for you!
Oh, and as far as you and Ryan go, just be prepared for a few rocky times...nothing changes your marriage like kids, but you'll be stronger for it!
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