Seeking God through raising children, blessings, trials, grief & loss, answered prayers and much more.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
25 weeks
I thought I was getting some hemmorhoids, another joyful side effect of pregnancy, so she wanted to take a look. It's not hemmorhoids, and it might be a fistula. Without going into too much detail about this lovely (and scary) problem, I had some issues a couple years ago that may not have cleared up all the way. I'm nervous for several reasons: the anasthesia's effect on the baby, if I have to have surgery, the healing process, labor worsening the problem. I can't be seen by a specialist until August 7th. I've just been praying that God will heal me if it's His will, that I can get in sooner and that maybe there is a non-surgical solution that will permanently get rid of the problem. I know God's got me and Baby in His hands, so I'm really trying not to worry too much about this.
Baby is getting bigger, not that I can tell how big from "the outside," but her movements are definitely getting stronger. She kicks a lot, and since my uterus is up by my rib cage now, I can feel some fluttery type movements up there, too - almost like she is brushing it with her little hand. I will post a pic. update soon.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ruth's Chris
Four Years
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Zoo!
Today we went to the San Antonio Zoo, which was fun. Here are a couple of pictures from our day, and we took my 24 bumpie pic at the zoo as well (see post below). God sure is creative - you can really see it in all the animals He made! :)
24 week update
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure; we’re on vacation
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Great – weird dreams again, though.
Best moment this week: She reaches viability today; doctors would feel somewhat hopeful if she was born today (not that we want that).
Movement: Lots – she feels like she’s on a little schedule.
Food cravings: Nothing unusual, really…ice cream.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: None.
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss: A nice glass of wine with dinner.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing a little foot or hand move across my belly and my shower.
Weekly Wisdom: Cherish your last trip together just the two of you.
Milestones: No new “milestones” per se, just excited we can see her moving around in there.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Babymooning in San Antonio
A picture of the hotel from afar
Our bed with the 4 extra pillows I had to order up to be "pregnant comfy"Jacuzzi Tub!!
And, YAY - Aveda products! You better believe I'm taking these home...
Today we decided to do the Ripley's package, which includes five "tours": Ripley's Belive It or Not; Toussad's Wax Museum; Guiness Records Museum; 3D Horrors & Tomb Rider. We did three of them today - Ripley's, the wax museum and the Guiness. Here are a couple of pictures from our day. After that, we went to Rainforest Cafe (always fun :) ) for dinner then to a movie. Now we are winding down to get up early to see an old friend of Ryan's tomorrow, Nolan.
The Harry Potter picture is just for Sarah. :)
I'm excited to see what tomorrow holds, but we're off to bed for now.
Friday, June 12, 2009
23 week update
Total weight gain/loss: +19.3 lbs. overall
Maternity clothes: Yup.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Pretty good – I love my boppy body pillow.
Best moment this week: Ryan seeing her move two nights ago – the look on his face was just so sweet. I think he was a little surprised, too.
Movement: Lots! Very strong kicks and punches, and I think she had the hiccups earlier in the week.
Food cravings: salad, peaches, green chile.
Gender: Girl.
Labor signs: No, but I have had a couple Braxton Hicks contractions.
Belly button in or out? In…let’s keep the hope up it stays that way.
What I miss: Sushi.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing a fist/foot move across my belly.
Weekly Wisdom: From a dear friend, “Trying to fit into some set weight guidelines is just asinine, because it will drive you crazy. You just have to be as healthy as you can and realize that in the span of our lives being pregnant takes up such a short amount of it. You should cherish the privilege of carrying one of God’s children and trust that if you’re doing your best to be healthy you’ll gain what you should.”
Milestones: Seeing her move!
Today is my birthday. I was praying in the shower this morning, and I realized the absolute best gift I have is carrying this child - she is such a blessing! As I ate my birthday cake at work and felt her kicks afterward (the baby likes sugar!) I was so thankful that she is here. Pregancy is such an amazing experience. The anticipation of welcoming a child home is such a warm one, albeit a little scary at times, but I know God has and will continue to prepare Ryan and me. And today marks the last of my countdown for vacation. I am officially off for 9 days, and I could not be more happy as it couldn't have come at a better time.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
10 more days until vacation!
I was talking to a girl at work today about her ex-fiancee. So much of his treatment of her reminds me of my past and makes me realize how I am incredibly grateful for Ryan. He has always been respectful, caring, patient and loving toward me. I am so thankful God put me with my perfect match and that we are now going to have a child together. He's so much fun to be with but sensitive and serious, too. I can't wait for the next four - and more - years together.