My little mister has been a busy boy lately! Phew - are boys different than girls! Zooey is a very busy and active little girl, but she is busy in a different way (mostly very talkative!). Tennyson is very physical. He's not walking quite yet, but I'm still amazed. He is a climber, for one thing. Last week I was getting changed and left him in the hallway. When it got quiet, after about a minute, I went to find him about to climb on the top of Zooey's dresser from her stepstool! I'm constantly on guard these days. :) I've set up some safer ways for him to climb in the living room, one of which is putting pillows all around the trampoline and couch, so he can climb up and down. He loves it! He's so proud of himself when he gets on top of something. Tennyson also loves music! When we sing, he claps his little hands and babbles along. If it's a BSF song, he will say "God," which is so precious. His favorite song is the Tiny Tim Turtle song. He pats his hand over his mouth while saying, "bubble, bubble," then excitedly says, "pop!" at the end.
Tennyson now:
- has taken a couple steps
- says: hi, RaRa, Gideon, Bible, banana, ball, balloon, bubble, cheese, please (combined with sign), pop, God, "Ball" for Snowball, our cat
- can stand up on his own without holding onto something
- gives snuggles (lays head on your shoulder)
- blows kisses
He likes:
- food :)
- cars, the garbage truck (what is it with little boys and garbage trucks!?) :)
- animals
- He's started to sleep with a blanket, and he likes to cuddle and rub a muslin blanket while he nurses before sleep.
Walking is imminent! :)
He is such a little flirt with the ladies! He gives the sweetest bashful smile to them all. Last week at BSF, we came down the hall to leave, where we ran into a group of about 5 women. I stopped to chat for a bit, and they were all looking at Tennyson and talking to him. He was looking at them rather seriously, when all of a sudden, he got a huge smile, waved and said, "hi!" They all exclaimed how cute he was, and he just giggled at them. Oh my!
He's such a sweet little boy, and I'm starting to see what people mean when they say that boys have a special relationship with their mamas. He is so loving and has to have me in his line of sight a lot more than Zooey ever did (she's kind of like that with Ryan, though).
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