My little man is one! He is such a sweet little guy, and he is just the perfect fit to our family. His little personality is really starting to come out, and that is so much fun to watch!
Tennyson now:
- says some words: bye, done, uh oh, Za (Zooey), "shhh"
- signs please and milk
- knows his tummy, diaper, nose, ears, teeth, hair
- Loves ALL food, even spicy food, like salsa! He eats as much (or more!) as Zooey.
- enjoys pulling pans and spoons out to "cook" and stir
- likes to try to put Zooey's headbands on his head
- loves when I stack blocks and he can crash them down
- gives hugs
- eats mostly table foods
- climbs steps
- plays "phone" with objects
- tries to put his shoes and hats on
- talks himself to sleep
- is still nursing!
His first birthday party was so much fun! Many of our sweet friends came out to celebrate Tennyson. The kids had fun in a bouncy house, and I enjoyed watching and talking to people. Just like his daddy, Tennyson just chilled in his highchair for most of the party to watch what was going on around him. He is so laid back. He did, of course, flirt with some of the ladies. He loved his cake and the cards.
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