My little buddy is three months (actually, he's almost 15 weeks as of this posting!). Let's see, what's been going on? I'm chuckling as I write this, because life is chaotic sometimes around here. You probably noticed that, due to the lack of posts and how late they always seem to be these days. :) It's a beautiful chaotic, though, and I wouldn't trade it for a second!
I weighed Tennyson over the weekend, and he weighs 14 pounds 5.2 oz. He is a BIG boy! He's about the size of a six month old, and he is in six month clothes. I love the three month mark! His little personality is starting to come out, and I love all the little facial expressions he has right now. He has started to giggle, too, which is adorable and melts my heart. Baby giggles are the best! He loves it when we make noises for him: clucking, smacking, kissing...he finds it all hilarious. Tennyson is all about his hands these days, and he is trying SO hard to find his little thumb (either of them). He gets so frustrated when he can't find it or when he does and can't keep it in. He loves the Christmas tree and gets really excited when we lay him next to it; he kicks those little legs and just talks and talks. That's another thing he's been doing a lot of, talking. He coos and is playing with his voice all the time. He can roll from tummy to back and has really great head control. He's very alert and enjoys the mobile in his crib and on the swing, he is grasping rattles and toys (for dear life!), and he stares very intently at his activity mat toys. Tennyson LOVES Zooey! He smiles at her and just watches her. His little eyes follow her around the room all the time, as if he's trying to figure out how to do all the things she can do. He's also started to show an interest in Gideon and smiles at him. I am so excited to see how all their little relationships unfold!
Tennyson's been sleeping through the night (dreamfeed @ 11:00 until 7:30/8:00) for about a month now. He had a growth spurt that coincided with the 8 week wonder week that caused him to wake up at 5:30 a couple days, but his other sleep was not too badly disrupted. I am seriously PRAISING GOD for this and praying his sleep will continue to be protected with all the disruptions of having an older child and having to run out with both of them mid-nap or putting him down late. He is a trooper and is doing great! I decided to drop his swaddle four days ago, and he's still getting used to that. Some naps he'll sleep great and others he'll wake up mid-nap, but that could also be because we're starting the mother of all wonder weeks this week (seriously - if you know about the wonder weeks, you know this one's a doozy!). He looks so super cute in his little sleep sacks. He has not had any nighttime waking from dropping the swaddle so far.
And, the part I'm sure most of you really care about :), here's some pictures of my sweet boy:
So sweet! |
"What's up Mom?" |
Concentrating on rolling over |
Love these little snuggles! |
He was not thrilled about his first time out in the snow |
Smoochable little cheeks! |
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