Tennyson is eight weeks (and one day) old. He went to the doctor today for his 2-month well check. He is weighing/measuring like a four month old - he is a little tank! He weighed 12 lbs. 14.4 oz. and was 23.75" long. I think he was in the 75% for weight and somewhere in the 50th for height. I can never remember the head circumference.
Tennyson continues to be pretty mellow most of the time ::knocks on wood:: even in the current wonder week eight. He has exhibited some of the signs he is in the leap, such as fussing when I put him down and wanting to be entertained more, but his fussing is nothing like Zooey's full-on wails when she was a newborn. I am waiting for the 45-minute intruder to crop up in his naps; I know this is a common week for them, and I also know the wonder week can interfere with sleep but we haven't seen it yet. One thing I did figure out just last night is that Tennyson has witching hour. His is a lot later than Zooey's was, so I think that's what threw me off. His fussy time is between 8:00-11:00; most times he will settle after the dreamfeed.
He is a cute little guy! Right now he's really "into" the curtains in his room and the pirate ship picture above his changing table. He stares intently at the curtains and smiles at the picture. He's pretty serious most of the time (like his dad), but he is content and I am able to get more smiles from him this week. Most of the time he just kind of sits back and takes it all in - especially Zooey! :) Tennyson is very alert, and we get comments on it all the time. He has started kicking and moving his arms a lot when he has blanket time, which is adorable, and he makes more cooing noises when he's playing or talking. He is also very mellow when Zooey is kind of rough when she's loving on him and when his best bud cousin smacks him in the face in his sweet efforts to hug him. I love to see all the littles interacting! It is SUCH a blessing!
Exciting for me: Tennyson has now gone 4 nights sleeping from the dreamfeed (so about 11:45) until 5:45/6:00! I feel like a new woman. An added bonus is we were actually on time to BSF, because I was able to get myself ready before Zooey even got up! :)
Here are some pictures of my chunky squeezable little guy.
Zooey wanted to do "tummy time" too |
Thanks for the Mamaroo, RaRa! |
Looking at the curtains in his room |
Napping in the car seat...this is how a second child rolls LOL |
"Who, me??" |
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