Thursday, August 22, 2013

36 Weeks

I am at "that point." Do you know what I mean? The point where you feel ginormous and just ready to meet your little one because you're so uncomfortable and huge that you feel like you are lugging a house along with you? That being said, I'm still trying to cherish the pregnancy and this time, especially when little Tennyson wiggles around in there. It truly is a miracle the way that God designed life to grow. As uncomfortable as pregnancy gets, I know there will come a point where I'll miss it and try to rack my heart and my brain to remember what it felt like.

How far along: 36 weeks

Size of Baby: about the size of a head of romaine lettuce (about 6.5 lbs. & 18.5")

Total weight gain: +35 lbs.

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: Still doing ok, just getting up a lot but able to fall back asleep quickly

Best moment this week: I finished a lot of the nursery, except for a couple pictures that I'd like to hang.  We also got my maternity pictures done, along with some of Zooey and some of us as a family. That was fun, and I can't wait to see them! We haven't had professional pictures taken of us for about 2.5 years.

Movement: Strong and frequent. He is on a little routine and gets especially active around 9:30 at night. It's fun to watch and feel him move around.

Food cravings: big craving for pickles today, iced tea

What I miss: Being able to bend over, running.

What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little guy!

Milestones: I think he's getting lower based on the pressure I'm feeling (fun!). He is losing his lanugo and vernix caseosa and continues to pack on the pounds.

Labor signs: Practice contractions and - the nesting! I forgot how it hits and puts you into a cyclone of activity to prepare everything. I've been a busy lady the last few days for sure! I went to the doctor and am 1cm dilated, and Tennyson's head down.

Sometimes it's fun to look back at my pregnancy with Zooey. I didn't post a bump pic for 36 weeks with her but I did blog it!

36 weeks, Tennyson

Another shot of the which I noticed his name needs to be leveled out a little. My "nesting" project for tomorrow!

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