Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One Step at a Time

I've noticed through reading about others' journeys of grief that once "the event" has occured (be it death, divorce, betrayal, whatever), people start counting. One week, one month, first Christmas without them, their first birthday they're gone. On Saturday night, I thought a lot about how it was one week since she'd been gone, since I'd sat by her bedside and talked to her. I know that this process usually goes on pretty consistently for the first year, maybe two, then it's the bigger anniversaries that trigger it.

I hate that it's been over a week since I've seen her, talked to her, kissed her. I am beyond grateful that she's no longer in pain and with Jesus, and that does bring joy to my heart, but it's still very difficult. I feel cheated sometimes, which makes me feel angry. There are so many people who get to spend time with their parents and have them be a part of their lives for years, until they themselves are old and gray. I think of my own mom who had her mom beside her through raising children, and I don't get to have that. The fact of the matter is, if you're a woman and you're close to your mom, you just want her there - when you're sick, when you're happy and want someone to share in that happiness, when you're a mom-at-the-end-of-your-rope, when you're sad...there are so many moments that I'll face over the years that I know I'm going to wish she's here. One step at a time, right? This is one of those things I am sure I probably won't get to fully understand this side of heaven.

Today is my dad's birthday. He seemed ok earlier when I saw him, but I wonder how he feels today, deep down? My parents always did a silly card & a serious/sweet card for their birthdays. It breaks my heart he won't get that this year, not from the love of his life, anyway. They were so cute together!

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