Tuesday, February 23, 2010

His Unfailing Love

"But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice, because You have rescued me." ~ Ps. 13:5

The doctor called my mom back with the AMAZING NEWS that there is NO cancer in her lymph nodes. She was too excited to really pay attention to what caused the spots on the PET scan, but she will find out the next time she talks to him, which will be when she goes in to have the tumor in her lung cut out. I cannot even begin to express what an answer to prayer this news is. God is SO good. Although in my heart I had hope (and let's be honest, I think this hope was keeping me in that denial stage I wrote about earlier), I didn't really want to believe the hope. I thought that hope was too good to be true, so although I clung to faith that God could absolutely take care of this and do the "impossible," it was still so hard to believe. I am so full of joy that I cried tears of joy.

This most likely means her cancer is Stage I, which means it can be treated soley with surgery (most likely). We are still praying that the brain scan tomorrow will be negative, God will continue to keep the cancer from spreading, the surgery will get all the cancer out for good and that God will continue to give us peace and protect us from spiritual warfare.

Do not get me wrong - if this prayer had been answered in another way, say she did have cancer in the lymph nodes, I would still be thankful for answered prayer and continue to submit my prayer to God, knowing He is fully in control. I am just so thankful and am rejoicing that He has strengthened our faith and encouraged us with this news. PRAISE GOD!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Just wanted you to know I nominated you for an award on my blog : )

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