Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cry It Out is soooo hard!!

Ryan & I have decided to let Zooey cry it out when she's having problems napping, which seems to be happening more and more as of late. I think I may've gotten her into a bad routine (scratch that - I KNOW I have) by rocking her until she's almost asleep then putting her down. Starting yesterday, I began the CIO, checking in on her, but I wasn't very consistent. After much reading today from other mommies' blogs, etc... I now know you either have to "go big or go home" as one writer put it. It is so hard to hear little Zooey crying in the other room, but she does finally go to sleep. The women who have done this before say their children were usually better sleep trained by days 3-5 of CIO, so that's what I'm hoping (and praying) for. The way I look at it, we're helping her to get sleep, which is actually better for her in the long run. Plus...hopefully this will help us if she gets stuck on that middle of the night feed.

Zooey has begun stretching her nighttime sleep. Sunday night we did the dreamfeed at 10:30, she woke/fussed but went back to sleep at 3:15; she then went to 5:00 before waking to eat - 6.5 hours. Last night we did the DF at 10:30, she woke with a very wet/dirty diaper and ate at 1:45; she then went to 7:30 (about 6 hours). Yay! I can't wait to see what the next few weeks hold for her sleep training. :)

1 comment:

Kathy Bryson said...

Hang in there! Listening to them cry is hard, but it works! I would always get them a little drowsy first so it wasn't quite so hard! And Yay for the longer night sleep! :)

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