Sunday, February 1, 2009

5 weeks

I signed up for an online community at It's a neat place to be able to chat on the message boards with other women who are in their first trimesters, and it helps ease some of the first-time mommy worries a little bit. :) It is also comforting to know that many other women think about the same things I think about. I signed on today, and my message was "Welcome Amber! You are now 5 weeks pregant." My baby is now the size of an appleseed, and his/her heart is forming. Ryan doesn't get how they count the weeks before you are already pregnant. He keeps correcting me and saying "three weeks" - it's cute. Although I am trying to be cautious in my optimism, it is hard not to be excited when this is something I have wanted all my life. I have been feeling a little nauseous only when I eat too much and sometimes first thing in the morning. I've been getting super hungry a lot quicker than I used to - I feel like I need to eat every 2.5 hours rather than every 3-4 hours. I've also been very bloated. So much so that I had to unbutton my jeans yesterday before I went to the grocery store and still felt uncomfortable.

Ryan & I decided to tell our families after our first doctor's visit on February 9th, if all goes well. We are going up to Colorado the weekend of the 13th and would like to be able to tell his family in person. Who knows when we will go up again... The more I think about telling them before the first trimester is up the more I think I really want my family's love and support. Even if this one doesn't "stick" I would want them to be a part of that, too.

Well, one of my other symptoms - exhaustion - is kicking in, and I do believe it's time to hit the sack.

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