Thursday, January 29, 2015

Zooey ~ Fall 2014

Oh, my! I am looking back at some of the funny things Zooey said over the last few months, and it's cracking me up. Here are a few:

One day in September we were leaving Albertsons, when Zooey spotted a giant witch. She started yelling, "Go away, witches! I don't like you witches!" Only...she put a "b" on the front of the word, and there were two little old ladies behind me giving me the stink eye. I started modeling the correct word very loudly for her, and they worked on the "w" sound in speech that month.

"I'm allergic to babies, Mommy."

She said she wants to be a teacher at the gym and teach kids to do tabata.

Z: "I am five. How old are you?"
Me: "33"
Z: "How old is Great Grandma?"
Me: "85"
Z: "Oh my goodness!"

Sarah: "What is Tennyson going to be when he grows up?"
Z: "Tennyson and Gideon are going to be doctors, and I'm going to teach the babies at BSF.

And some sweet things she said:

In the car one day, "Mommy, the trees are changing colors. God is our God. God is our daddy. I love Jesus!"

Sarah was telling her in-laws to pray for a sweet little girl named Emily. Sarah told Zooey that God is able to work miracles. Zooey replied, "Yes, our God is Almighty."

Zooey is just getting so big that I can't even believe it! She is five. FIVE, you guys. How did that happen? She loves to do arts and crafts, her favorite thing in school is PE, she still loves wearing dresses, and she likes to workout with me. She is such a friendly girl, and she loves to go up to kids and tell them her name and ask their name. She is super empathetic and sweet. I teach her class at church this year, and whenever there's a child crying, she almost instantly goes over to the child and either offers words of comfort or just sits near them. She is making huge strides at speech therapy. She is really starting to show an interest in reading. She loves Jesus and her favorite weekly activities are church and BSF. She is not super snuggly, because she's so busy, but when she does slow down, she likes to sit right next to you and just be with you. She is funny, creative, sassy sometimes, loving, forgiving, protective and prayerful. It is so fun getting to know this sweet girl.

So excited for balloons!

Cat for Harvest Fest at school and Halloween

Sarah caught the kids a worm

Oh my, little miss trouble

The teacher said she came up with this response with no prompting. Bless her heart!

Doing "Tabata"

Silly girl was so excited for bath she forgot to take her shirt off lol

Tennyson ~ 16 months

Better late than never, right? Tennyson is 16 months old! He is about 26.3 pounds, and I'm not sure how tall he is. Tennyson's become so, SO busy this last month. I feel like I look away for two seconds and he is on top of something new - kitchen table, kitchen chair, table in the living room, couch, computer chair - you name it, he's tried to climb it. He is a super ornery little boy, and I can tell he is going to give me a run for my money! He is going to be my stubborn (not that Zooey can't be stubborn) and strong-willed child for sure. He laughs - literally - in the face of danger, and he has already started throwing some pretty intense temper tantrums. He is also very sweet. He still loves to snuggle with me, and he will often times just climb on my lap in the living room and just "watch the room" with me for a good 15 minutes before he hops down to play again. He loves to give kisses and snuggles. He runs up to Zooey throughout the day, just to give her a hug.

Tennyson now:
- Is starting to run
- Has almost all his teeth - they've all popped through, and we're waiting on his upper molars and canines to come all the way out (painful week this week)
- Mimics most words and has about 35 words he uses consistently and without prompting (woohoo!)
- Does roomtime for independent play instead of IP in his crib
- Nods yes and shakes head no
- Folds his hands to pray
- Seems to be moving out of the separation anxiety phase a little bit. BSF and church mornings have gone a little more smoothly as of late

Tennyson loves:
- To scare his mother. Haha, just kidding. He loves to climb on things.
- trains, cars and anything that moves
- He's starting to enjoy being read to more, with me holding the book the whole time
- He's getting more interested in puzzles
- To do anything Zooey is doing
- Our cat
- Playing outside Zooey's school when I pick her up, chasing the big kids and exploring the rocks

Tennyson dislikes:
- Ah, we have reached the fun stage where he flips out when I pour water on his head during bath time
- Sharing. :)

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