Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Among other resolutions, I want to spend less time on time wasters and spend more time engaging with my family and capturing daily moments. One of these days I want to turn this blog into a book for my family, so I figured this would be a good place to start. Thanks to Beth for giving me this idea. :)

Zooey puts on her dress-up clothes as soon as she wakes up in the morning most days. Tennyson is constantly watching his big sister. 


Today wasn't the best day but it wasn't the worst. We did have a fun play date. Zooey's having some behavioral issues and I'm struggling with patience. Being out of our normal routine isn't helping. I also messed dinner up. But, those pre-bedtime snuggles made the day better. Zooey's a very loving girl with lots of joy and empathy. 

Today Zooey got gum stuck in her hair and was not a happy camper about the peanut butter we used to clean it out. 

Tennyson was super happy today and during tummy time was rocking back and  forth in his attempt to roll over. It was pretty cute. He seemed to be having fun!