Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tennyson 7 weeks (almost!)

Sheesh, I am slacking on this blogging thing...not that I haven't been a wee bit busy. :)

The last three weeks have been a blur. I have actually been thinking about how I can't wait until January when Zooey's OT is up, and I can have four days a week at home (with the exception of church on Sundays), instead of needing to be somewhere every weekday but Monday. As I did, and do, with Zooey, I pray that God will help me to cherish this time with my littles, busy as it is.

Tennyson is doing great! I weighed him on our scale last Saturday, and he's up to 12.05 lbs. I measured him yesterday, and he's 23 inches! Wow! He's a big boy, already outgrowing some of his three month clothes and I'm sure quickly moving into six months clothes. He started smiling in his 5th week, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE those little baby smiles. The last couple of days he's also started cooing and making more noises. We have a black and white picture above our couch that all babies seem to love. Today he saw it and smiled and kicked. He was super excited to see it! He's also getting more interested in the swing and mobiles (on his swing and in his crib). He definitely "woke up" a little more this past week. My sweet Zooey girl is sick today, and he saw her on the couch when he was playing on the floor and stared at her for the longest time cooing; it was adorable! Another exciting thing was that he slept nine hours on Sunday (I don't expect him to go that long again for awhile, but he had had a rough night!) and last night he went from the dreamfeed to 6:00, so 6.5 hours - very exciting! His hair has grown a little bit; it's fuzzy, and I love to nuzzle and kiss his little head. I know a lot of people don't like the newborn phase, and it definitely has it's challenges, but there is a lot I love about it, too. I feel like I turned a corner emotionally the last week, too. My anxiety seems to be quite a bit better, but I am definitely still praying God's hand of protection over my mind. Thanks for those prayers (and continued prayers, too)! :)

So, we're a day shy of 7 weeks, but since I have a minute to post, I'll post the pictures I took today.

Week Five

Week Six

He does NOT like tummy time!

Week Seven

Little hands

Little feet

They love each other!

Smiling at his sister

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tennyson's Newborn and Family Pictures

Here are some of our favorite pictures that Kelsey from Smitten By A Promise took when Tennyson was one week old. I am so happy we decided to do this professionally this time around and have these sweet pictures to capture this time in our lives.

Zooey ~ September

September was obviously a busy month and went by in such a blur! We welcomed little Tennyson into the world on the 12th, and the rest of the month was really spent recovering (for me), getting to know him and adjust a bit to our new routines and such. Zooey and Ryan had a lot of quality time together, which was so sweet for them, and although I missed out on it, it was good for me, too. Zooey had a rough time adjusting for about the first two weeks, but by week three she was mostly back to her old self. I honestly think part of her stress was thinking we were going to be gone again. At night she would come out of her room just to tell us she loved us and ask if we would "stay with her." She wanted a lot of time with us, and we gave it to her when we could. She loves little Tennyson so much!

I will try my best to remember some things from September. :) I want to remember for later.

One thing that is super sweet and I love so much is Zooey started giving lots of spontaneous "Me love you's" this month. She will randomly tell us she loves us and wants to give us hugs and kisses. She also has started to pick up more on some of the not so great things we she told me "You making me crazy!" and "You stressing me out!" Oh my!! You can bet I've been trying to watch what I say a lot more closely these days.

When I came home from the hospital, she wanted to see my boo boo (which we told her about to prep her that I wouldn't be able to lift her until the doctor said it was ok). I showed her, then she pointed to my belly button and said, "Belly button hole. Baby Tennyson come out of belly button hole." So funny! Obviously, we did not tell her that the baby came out of the boo boo - we didn't want to scar her for life!

Zooey LOVES school! The first week in September she got to bring home Buddy the Bear, the classes stuffed animal. The kids take the bear home for a weekend and journal about what Buddy and the family did. Zooey was incredibly excited. She had been talking about Buddy since before school even started and we got the teacher's letter. We took Buddy to Botanical Gardens, to Chick Fil A for a special they had going on (bring in a bear and get a free ice cream - perfect timing!) and she wanted to sleep with Buddy every night. She also got to ride her trike to school a few times when Ryan took her, and she really loved that.

Leaving school with Buddy

First time bowling on a Daddy/daughter date

special Starbucks hot chocolate treat from RaRa

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