How Far Along: 16 weeks, 1 day
Size of baby: avocado (approx. 4" long & weighs about 4 oz.)
Sleep: Better except for having a cold. :)
Total Weight Gain: +9.6 lbs.
Symptoms: fatigue is going away more and more, some nausea, but praise God not as much!, tailbone hurts when I sit too long (I didn't have this with Zooey and am wondering if it has to do with my previous pregnancy and the back labor with her), a lot of saliva (another one I didn't have with her - so weird!)
Movement: Yes, and I'm starting to feel him/her move a little more. 16 weeks was when I started to feel Zooey move a lot, too.
Go-to eats: broccoli, avocado, Girl Scout Trefoil cookies with cream cheese icing (it IS as delicious as it sounds!), this spicy mustard I got a couple of weeks ago at this festival thing I went to
Best moment of the week: Increased movement the last few days and hearing Baby's heartbeat on my Doppler (it was 150).
Gender: ? Still no clue, but I'm not really trying to guess. Like I did with Zooey, I tend to call Baby a "him." Ryan & Zooey think it's a girl, and Zooey is very adamant about this! :)
What I’m looking forward to: Ultrasound! Only about four (or five depending on insurance) more weeks to go!
Milestones: Baby's tiny ear bones can hear loud noises & Baby may startle when hearing them, body fat is starting to form (on Baby not me - HA! - although it is for me, too, LOL), Baby's eyes are making small movements behind closed lids, and s/he is practicing sucking.
I am very thankful that the last few days I seem to (maybe?) be turning a corner with the whole morning sickness thing. Heartburn's kicking in, but at least for now, that can be managed. I'm also thankful that I am wanting to eat healthier foods again (notice the broccoli up there?). I am starting to have a lot more energy and am even going to attempt to go grocery shopping and clean the house today. I was
SO happy that I had enough energy to actually play with Zooey and do some crafts and things with her for about an hour or so the other day, whereas I've usually been too wiped out after her nap to do much but rest and read to her. I could tell she was happy, too, and then she played by herself for a good amount of time while I made dinner. Now, I just need to try to muster some energy to start exercising again. :)
A cute story this week: I told Zooey that Baby can hear now. Here's the conversation:
Me: "Tell Baby 'hi'."
Z: "Hi Baby!" (right up to my tummy)
Me: "Say, 'love you, Baby.'"
Z: "Love you, Baby. BABY, OBEY NO DISOBEY!" For this, she wagged her finger at my belly. So funny!
16 weeks, Baby #2 |
16 weeks, Zooey |