Zooey's party was a lot of fun. We had family and friends over to the house, and the weather's been so beautiful here that we were able to have the party out back. She got a lot of nice toys and some adorable clothes that I'm really looking to put her in now that the weather's cooling down. It was just such a blessing to be able to celebrate her sweet life with everyone. She didn't get too upset when Ryan or I weren't around, and she seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit. Zooey doesn't really like touching certain textures, so I was pretty sure she wouldn't dig into her cake like I've seen some babies do. She didn't dig in, but she kind of fingerpainted and sucked on her fingers, and, of course, Daddy spoiled her and hand-fed her some cake, too. She really did enjoy the icing.
Zooey likes:
yogurt & applesauce (now when she sees the containers she tries to lunge out of her chair and squeals)
graham crackers
Daddy - she is such a daddy's girl that sometimes she screams when we walk away from him just to go to the other room
stacking cups
shaped blocks
her Leap Frog table
her seahorse - she turns it on then rubs her tummy to self-soothe (Aw! Cutest thing!)
most of the time, she likes bathtime again
Zooey dislikes:
diaper changes...getting dressed
Zooey now:
pulls herself to standing
is starting to "cruise"
can say dog, cat, all done (or "all-duh") and "ga" which means "more" to her
can sign all done
has one molar in
points all the time at things and can point when we ask her where something is
gives her daddy "five" when he tells her to
waves when we say the words hi or bye
A friend of mine asked how I've changed as a mom over the last year. I thought that was a good question to blog about. I think the biggest change has been my view of God's love for us. I now have a glimpse of the love He has for us as His children that I didn't truly get before. It has increased my trust in Him immensely. Also, everyone told me to cherish the time with Zooey because of how fast it goes. I didn't get that before she came. I do now. I want to take as many pictures, get as many snuggles, kiss as many cheeks and soak up every belly laugh I can. I truly understand now why the Bible says that children are a gift from God. Zooey is such a sweet, amazing, precious gift and a blessing to our family. I also knew I was going to pray for Zooey, but I had no idea how fervently I would pray for her. How God's best for her is my ultimate concern. I petition Him for new ways to pray for her, and I pray for her all the time. This love is immense, and I hope when she grows she will know how much love I have for her.